Travel Across a Continent on a BIG Train!
See the frozen north and the Canadian Rockies from a special dome car! Visit the dining car and see how the chef cooks dinner on the rails.
Learn how a train trip is planned, and ride in the cab with the engineer! See the giant control center and the maintenance shop.
Discover the history of the trans-Canadian Railway, and see the incredible sites as you travel from Toronto to Vancouver!
Recommended for: KIDS 3-10 (and their parents!)
Running time: Approx 50 minutes
Format: Digitally-mastered DVD or Digital download
Dolby Digital 5.1 and Stereo Audio | Wide-Screen and Standard Video
Running time: Approx 50 minutes
Format: Digitally-mastered DVD or Digital download
Dolby Digital 5.1 and Stereo Audio | Wide-Screen and Standard Video